Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Little Bit About Blaise Pascal

When I read Ms. Mariner's blog, I had no idea what in the world I could write about.  I just didn't know what I thought I could write a decent blog about.  I decided to research a little bit about Blaise Pascal as a person, and this is what I found!

Pascal's birthday is on June 19th, and he was born in 1623. In other words, he is super old.  That means, if he were standing right next to me at this very moment, I would have a really old man standing next to me who had been alive for somewhere around 142,660 days.

When he was a bit younger, only about 6,400 days old (18 years), he created the first arithmetical machine.  If you can create something with that complex of a name by the time you're 18, I'll be proud to say I know you!

Here's a funky twist in the story for you! In 1650, Pascal went down a completely different route, and began studying religion.  Math and religion....hmm... I do not see how they correlate... I mean I guess they say to count your blessings right?!

Okay I realize that this blog is probably very boring and you probably would rather be doing something else right now. I honestly had no inspiration..
I'll continue to think about what I could add, but for now this is all I got.
I apologize if you wasted 5 minutes of your life on this!
Go do something fabulous to make up for it.