Friday, November 15, 2013

A Cool Story About India's Human Computer Shakuntala Devi

                                                            The video I have attached, that I found on YouTube shows an interview of the astounding Indian mathematician, Shakuntala Devi. When watching the video, there were two main points that stuck out to me.
One of the amazing talents that this woman has is the ability to tell people what day of the week they were born on.  This is shown two times throughout the interview.  Anyone can tell her their date of birth and she can almost immediately calculate what day of the week they were born on.  Although this could be seen as impractical, I think that it is a very neat talent, and I would be interested to tell her my date of birth and see what she says! 

The second thing that intrigued me the most was Shakuntala's goal to inspire others, specifically young adults.  During the interview she talks about her experiences with speaking to high school and college age students who may not have very good mathematical backgrounds.  She expresses the joy it brings to her when the students get so excited and interested in math.  It would be an honorable privilege to get to watch this woman talk about her passion in person.  She inspired me through a five minute video, so I cannot imagine how inspirational she must be in person, for even a half hour talk.

I admire Shakuntala because she has taken her passion, and ran with it.  She is using her abilities and passions to change the world.  Her mind boggling calculations make people think.  She is changing people's perspectives and thought processes. Shakuntala is truly an example of someone making an impact through their strengths. 
Shakuntala is an astoundingly intelligent and admirable woman, who is changing the math world for the better.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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